Blarney castle

Blarney castle
This is why I am so eloquent (LOL)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Thing 19

My number one tool from the Web 2.0 Awards list is, the social bookmarking site. This application is used for tagging and sharing bookmarks with friends as well as other users. Google Docs makes a close second, providing me with word processing over the internet. This can be used with other users to create projects in real time.
I use PB wiki in one of my classes. I like that it is user friendly.


  1. I too like certainly helps to only have to set up one set of "bookmarks" and still be able to see from any computer...unlike the old days having to go from computer to computer!!

    Did you ever use I keep Bookmarks...that is another way to keep things together, but in an older format.

  2. I adore Delicious - I've taught all my students to use it - I set up an account for my school.
